Herbal Tincture Calculator

Disclaimer: This calculator is meant to assist in making herbal preparations only. Please do not contact us asking for instructions or treatment information. There are a ton of great herbal medicine schools out there who can provide you with the proper training.

How to use this calculator for tinctures with alcohol only and also for tinctures with alcohol and glycerine.

Tincture caculator in action with formula:

Example formula: 1:6, 40% alcohol

1:6 is the weight to volume ratio and you have 2oz of herbs in this example. You also have a bottle of 120 proof alcohol.

In “Desired Amount of Tincture” enter “12” (2 X 6=12)

In “Alcohol Strength”enter the proof of alcohol that you have: “120”

In “Target ABV %” enter “40”

(if you were going to add glycerine to this formula, enter the % amount in “Target Glycerine % (optional)”, if not, leave at 0)

Understanding the results:

“Alcohol Amount” populates with “8” Fl oz. This is how much of your 120 proof alcohol you need to use.

“Water Amount” populates with “4” Fl oz. This is how much water you need.

“Final ABV%” should be close to your “Target ABV” It may sometimes be slightly over or under.

If you’ve entered a glycerine %, you will also see the amount of glycerine that you need to add.

Tincture Calc
Desired Amount of Tincture Fl. Oz.
Alcohol Strength Proof
Target ABV% %
Target Glycerin % (optional) %
Measure to Nearest Fl. Oz.
Alcohol Amount Fl. Oz.
Water Amount Fl. Oz.
Glycerin Amount Fl. Oz.
Final Glycerin % %
Final ABV% %